Absolutism centralization of authority was greatly strengthened. 专制主义中央集权,在宋代大为加强。
One of the unintended consequences of the Gregorian Reform of the11th century was the centralization of authority in the papacy. 11世纪教宗格里高力推行改革,出现了一个人们不愿意看到的后果,那就是教宗的中央集权化。
We should not deny the importance of authority and should centralize power wherever necessary. tending away from centralization, as of authority. 不能否定权威,该集中的要集中,倾向于远离集中,例如远离权力集中。
Tending away from centralization, as of authority. 倾向于远离集中,例如远离权力集中。
As an official form of examination in Ming and Qing Dynasty, the Eight-part Essay had a very important effect on the governing classes 'drawing over the talents, consolidating domination and strengthening centralization of authority during several hundreds years. 八股文作为明清时期科举考试的法定文体,在其运行的几百年间,为统治阶级笼络人才,巩固统治,强化中央集权发挥了重要作用。
The essential change in politics is the further diminishing of the centralization of authority, which discredited the imperial government's prestige and weakened its control. 安史之乱给唐代政治体制带来的最根本的改变是中央集权的进一步丧失,以及由此而产生的朝廷威信和统治能力的降低,这突出地表现在节度使的拥兵自重及宦官干预政务中。
HONG Xiu-quan and Centralization of Authority in Post Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 洪秀全与太平天国后期的中央集权化
A Study of Military Centralization of Authority Inside the Feudal Separatist Rules in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty 论唐代中后期藩镇内部的军事集权
The reform of circuit ( a province size area) system during the Tang dynasty was a comprehensive reform of local administration oriented towards centralization of authority in the court and state administration at different levels. 唐代道制改革是以中央集权、分级管理为制度取向的综合性地方行政管理体制改革。
From this debate, it is clear that governors, especially local governors concentrated more on local benefits, which differs from the traditional argumentation on strong centralization of authority. 从争论可以看出,官员尤其地方为政者的立论是倾向于地方利益的,这与我们传统强调中央高度集权的论点是有出入的。
The author pointed out strengthening the centralization of authority was the basic purpose. There were other important reasons such as the development of commercial economy, the financial difficulties and the expansion of local power. 认为加强专制主义中央集权是根本目的,此外商品经济的发展、财政的困窘、地方势力的膨胀,最终促成了唐代专卖制度的复行。
Therefore, we must get rid of the centralization of authority, strengthen the dialogue between the teachers and students; 走出教育交往中的言语困境必须:消解权威中心,加强师生对话;
Centralization and De centralization of Authority, Theory of Interest Group, Development of U.S.Administration 集权、分权、利益集团理论与美国公共行政的发展
Advanced agricultural production, perfect centralization of authority, extensive and profound and flexible and sophisticated spirit and culture which takes Confucian culture as a typical example, all these constitute China super-stable social structural model and highly unified social cultural Mechanism. 先进的农业生产,完备的中央集权统治以及以儒家文化为代表的博大精深、圆熟老道的精神文化,构成了古代中国超稳定的社会结构模式和高度统一的社会文化机制。
And the results and effects of the rebellions were directly connected with the consolidation of the centralization of authority. 叛乱之结果及其影响,则与中央集权统治巩固与否有直接关系。
The Report at 16th Party Congress points out that the combination and centralization of the Party and the government is the fundamental interest of the whole nation. So we must firmly support the central authority of the CPC, and guarantee that the government decrees will be unimpeded. 党的十六大报告深刻地指出,党和国家的集中统一,是全国各族人民的根本利益所在,要坚决维护中央权威,保证中央政令畅通。
Along with the enterprise scale expanded management models of patriarchal style centralization management, the special trust of disparity sequence, and sentiment and face supreme authority game can increase the business management cost. 随着企业规模的扩大,以家长制集权化管理,差序式特殊信任,人情与面子至上的权力游戏等为特征管理模式会增加企业管理成本。
During the late Qing Dynasty, The centralization of authority of the Qing government declined. at the same time, the regional power groups headed by regional military governors grew up, and controlled the regional power. 晚清以降,清政府中央集权衰落,以督抚为首的地方实力派崛起,掌握了地方政权。